So, still waiting for the stuff from the powder coaters I got on with a few more bits. I needed to get the flywheel off the old engine, so I needed an M16/1.5 puller. I didn’t have one to hand, so my friend turned me one up at work:

It fitted in the thread and everything but I couldn’t get enough force on it to get the flywheel to come off because it didn’t have a hex head top. I nipped to my friends garage the next day and borrowed his puller set. Used a breaker bar on it and got the flywheel off. Tonight I got the brake discs off the wheels. I’m intending to replace them at some point but they’re looking rather tatty so I cleaned them up, masked them and sprayed them with VHT paint. I know the fronts are anodised as standard but it’s chipped quite badly so it doesn’t look great. I can’t separate the outer disc from the inner because the floating bobbins are press fitted so I can’t get them re-anodised easily.

Should have the frame etc. back on Friday